How to Get Leaves Out of Your Yard in an Eco-Friendly Mannequin

By: DavidPage

It is important to properly dispose of any green waste when maintaining a garden with trees. You may have seen leaves piled up at the curb, but you might be wondering how to get rid of them. There are many options available for eco-friendly leaf disposal. These options vary depending on where you live. However, there are some that are universally available if you’re ready to learn more.

These methods will have a positive effect on your lawn or garden. Instead of burning your leaves in a barrel, you can mow, compost, or bag them to get rid of them.

They should be mown

It can be beneficial to mow your leaves with your lawn mower with or without the attachments or mulching kit. The beneficial compounds in ground-up leaf matter can be absorbed into the soil over time. You don’t need to buy mulch bags when you can make your own.

Mowing requires that you use a gas or an electric mower. These mowers burn fossil fuels. If you have to mow the same lawn every day to maintain control, it may be more efficient to mowing the leaves over than to use a mower.

The mulch can be left where it is for next year’s garden, or you could gather it and put it in your vegetable gardens. If you’re willing to use green waste right in your yard, then you don’t need to be able to properly dispose of it.


A compost heap is basically a mixture of wet and dried organic matter. This usually comes from your yard and home. It then decomposes to nutrient-rich soil. To avoid overheating or attracting animals, compost bins must be maintained. However, composting kitchen scraps, grass clippings and ground-up leaves can provide excellent soil for your garden next year.

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Bag them and rake them

Municipal leaf collection is an option if raking or bagging makes sense for your home. There is still one way to dispose of green waste. It is more efficient to have one leaf collector collect all the leaves, than to have everyone haul them away individually. After you’ve seen how eco-friendly the leaf collection practices in your area, decide to bag and rake.

If you want to bag the leaves, the best way is to rake them onto some tarps and then place them in a bag. But there are other methods. To make the leaves less bulky, crush them as much as you can. This will help the leaf collection team fit more leaves into their vehicles and reduce gas consumption.

Use a

Biodegradable plastic bag

Bags made from sturdy paper

Reusable garden bags are acceptable if they can be thrown in the truck by your municipality.

These bags are not only available on Amazon, but can also be found at many local hardware and home improvement stores in fall and winter.